What’s Happening around Tarleton in July?

Hello blog readers, I hope you are all staying cool and having a fantastic summer! While Tarleton may not be as active during the summer, the surrounding area of Stephenville will be hosting multiple events over the course of July that students are able to participate in. The biggest event happening in town is theContinue reading “What’s Happening around Tarleton in July?”

Independence Day

On July 4th we celebrate Independence Day. On this day in 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, which formally declared that the United States was free of any connection to Great Britain. However, actual independence was not achieved until the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War and the signing of the TreatyContinue reading “Independence Day”

Happy 4th of July!!

The library would like to wish everyone a fun and safe July 4th holiday weekend!Here are some interesting facts about the 4th of July from the U.S. Census Bureau: 2.5 million — In July 1776, the estimated number of people living in the newly independent nation.Source: Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times toContinue reading “Happy 4th of July!!”

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