Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Great Texas Places to Get Away From it All

With summer upon us many people think of just getting away to a cooler place. Others want to just get away from all of the connectivity that surrounds us. This is a list from Texas Highways of where in Texas you can go to get disconnected.1. Padre Island National Seashore2. Big Bend National Park3. Devil\’sContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Great Texas Places to Get Away From it All”

Want to go camping? Not sure where? can help!

If you love the outdoors, camping can be a dream vacation. However, figuring out where to camp can sometimes be an issue. may be just what you need because it lets you search for campsites by location, type (tent, cabin, RV, etc.), and preferred dates, identify recreation areas based on desired activities like boating,Continue reading “Want to go camping? Not sure where? can help!”

Some New Audiobooks

For you commuters or anyone about to take a long road trip, the Dick Smith Library has a growing collection of audiobooks in CD format, with many audiobooks still available in cassette format. They are located on the lower level of the library, just to the right in the Audiovisual Collection area as you exitContinue reading “Some New Audiobooks”

Top Ten Tuesday – 10 most visited National Parks

I need a vacation! (…don\’t we all?) I\’ve always had a dream to visit all the National Parks in the U.S. I was doing some research and found a great Top Ten list! Here is data from the National Park Service. These were the 10 most visited National Parks in 2008. Great Smoky Mountains NPContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – 10 most visited National Parks”

Top Ten Tuesday – 10 fun (and cheap) things to do this summer

Summer School is about to start! Relax now before its time to hit the books again. I thought I would post 10 inexpensive ways to have fun and enjoy the Summer Season. Ride a bike Watch a baseball game Visit a Park Hit the water – go swimming Read a book Play Games Have aContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – 10 fun (and cheap) things to do this summer”

Top Ten Tuesday – Top Vacation Spots

The semester is over. We made it! Are you as ready for a vacation as I am? I thought I would share these picks for Top U.S. Vacation Spots (They do include some spots in Canada): 1. New York2. San Francisco3. Chicago4. Santa Fe5. Quebec City6. Charleston, South Carolina7. Vancouver8. Montreal9. Victoria, British Columbia10. SeattleContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – Top Vacation Spots”

Top Ten Tuesday – 10 ways to spend your Summer

It the final Tuesday of the semester! Can you believe it is already over, and that you made it! To help celebrate, here are 10 ways you can spend your summer! Catch up on sleep, family, and friends. Help save the planet – be green. Read a good book. Take a summer class. Study abroad.Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – 10 ways to spend your Summer”

Spring Break Reading

This is a little early, in order to give you time to collect some good reads for Spring Break. George Eberhart is senior editor of American Libraries, and offers a list of books concerning libraries and murder mysteries. \”Murder in the library, as a literary plot, holds a certain peculiar fascination for many readers…. SomeContinue reading “Spring Break Reading”

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