Color Yourself Into Library Fame

Wanna be library famous? In honor of Library Lovers Day, we are conducting a bookmark coloring contest. The contest began Monday, February 1st, and will end February 10th. The winner will be announced Friday, February 12. Forms can be found at the Circulation Desk in the Dick Smith Library (Stephenville) and at the Service DeskContinue reading “Color Yourself Into Library Fame”

Most Interesting Man Asks A Librarian

Not sure how to cite your sources, where to find materials in the library, or how to use the databases?  AskALibrarian! Tarleton Libraries is always ready to help you with your research needs. You can also give us a call at 254-968-9249 or send questions via any of our social media outlets. We look forwardContinue reading “Most Interesting Man Asks A Librarian”

Twitter and Libraries

\”Multiple Tweets Plain\” by mkhmarketing on If you follow our Twitter account, you may have noticed that our follower count has increased from 209 followers in July of 2012 to over 900 followers in January of 2014. Two of our librarians will give tips on Twitter during the online Handheld Librarian conference on Wednesday,Continue reading “Twitter and Libraries”

#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess

Have you been noticing these 2 hash tags (#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess) being used last week and this week on twitter? Tarleton faculty and staff are working hard to help our students succeed during midterms and even finals (#TSUFinalsFrenzy). Not sure how you are doing in your classes? Don\’t be afraid to talk with your professors/teachers about your progress inContinue reading “#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess”

Midterm Mania

Want to contribute to the Midterm Mania conversation? Check out the hashtag: #TSUMidtermMania Midterm Mania is happening NOW!  Are you bogged down with midterms? Have a huge research paper due?  Check out the library\’s Twitter account: @TarletonLib During Midterm Mania, we have been tweeting helpful tips for students concerning Midterms. Don\’t have a Twitter? That\’s okay. Continue reading “Midterm Mania”

BUTTONS! My buttons! Banned Books Week 2013

At Tarleton Libraries we have a tradition of buttons. That\’s right, BUTTONS! We like to hand them out during special events like Library Lovers Day and Banned Books Week. This year is no exception. Yesterday began Banned Books Week 2013. Tarleton Libraries\’ theme this year is \”I\’m with the BANNED\”. Take the time to look over ourContinue reading “BUTTONS! My buttons! Banned Books Week 2013”

Hey, Class of 2017!

Photo Taken By Tracy Holtman Did you participate in Library Poker during Transition week? If you did, you may remember filling out a Discovery T-Shirt Drawing Card to win a free t-shirt. We\’ve drawn the winners and we\’re waiting on you to come pick up your shirt!  Not sure if you won?Check your Tarleton emailContinue reading “Hey, Class of 2017!”

5 fantastic reasons to follow us on Twitter

5.  We have a great sense of humor.  4. We keep you informed about happenings in the library, at Tarleton State, and in Stephenville and beyond. Tornado-related tweets. 3.  We care about your experience in the library. The case of the missing laptop charger. 2. We have cool contests with amazing \”Tarleton swag.\” Students\’ contestContinue reading “5 fantastic reasons to follow us on Twitter”

Tarleton Thursdays: Did you know?

As you know from a previous blog post done in January, the library has several outlets of social media. We have a Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest, and Flickr, to name a few. You can find out when the library\’s upcoming events, hours, and resources that are available. Did you know that we\’ve had a Facebook page and Twitter sinceContinue reading “Tarleton Thursdays: Did you know?”

Libraries, Literacy, & Twit\’stagram, Oh My!

April 14th marks the beginning of National Library Week. The theme for this years NLW is Communities Matter @ Your Library. Libraries everywhere celebrate in their own fashion. Whether it\’s promoting a new reading program, the construction of a new library commons, or the addition of e-readers, every library has their own special way of saying \”Hey,Continue reading “Libraries, Literacy, & Twit\’stagram, Oh My!”

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