Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Study Tips

Finals are upon us once again. Check out the following website to learn 10 skills that will help you with all your exams. to use the Dick Smith library as a resource for quiet study, research help, and a caffeine boost!

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 top Shakespeare resources @DSL

William Shakespeare\’s birthday was on April 23. Here are our top 10 Shakespearean resources: 10. FILM25 Shakespeare films on DVD (list) and 43 Shakespeare films on VHS (list).Subtle library plug: We have VCRs and TVs you can watch the films on downstairs in the A/V room. 9. AUDIO BOOKS5 related titles (list). 8. CHILDREN\’S BOOKS11Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: 10 top Shakespeare resources @DSL”

Top Ten Tuesday – Students are drowning in debt – 10 ways to help pay for college

According to this article from, students are drowning in debt.  For the first time in history student loans surpassed credit card debt in America!  More students are taking out loans than ever before to buy an education that has an uncertain future. Here are some tips/ideas of ways to help pay for college: SaveContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – Students are drowning in debt – 10 ways to help pay for college”

Top Ten Tuesday – 10 Communications Hurdles

We do annual reviews about this time every year, and every year I set a goal to improve my communications skills. I found this list of communication hurdles – can you relate?  Confronting or criticizing others Not being taken seriously Feeling self-conscious Dealing with other people\’s anger Speaking in front of a group Controlling one\’sContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – 10 Communications Hurdles”

Top Ten Tuesday: Most Circulated Audiobooks

Here are the audiobooks that have been checked out most frequently at the Dick Smith Library: Harry Potter series, by J. K. Rowling – six of the the seven audiobooks in this series would be in the top ten list, so in the interest of variety, I\’m lumping them all together as number one.  NarratedContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Most Circulated Audiobooks”

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Interesting New Books

My job involves making the library\’s books and resources available in the library catalog, so I\’m one of the people who gets to see things before they end up on the library\’s shelves. For this week\’s Top Ten Tuesday, I decided to list 10 of the books I\’ve cataloged recently that I think look interesting – they shouldContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Interesting New Books”

Top 10 Library Poetry Resources, pt. 2

Please see previous blog entry for the rest of the list. 5.WORKS OF POETRY The General Stacks (Upper Level) are where most of our books that can be checked out are located. The P section covers language and literature. Specific poets or types of poetry (American, British, Italian, etc.) can be located throughout this section.Continue reading “Top 10 Library Poetry Resources, pt. 2”

Top 10 Library Poetry Resources, Pt. 1

Yesterday was World Poetry Day, and April is National Poetry Month. Celebrate by digging into our poetry resources. 10. LITERARY CRITICISM: BOOKS TO CHECK OUT Go to Under Library Catalog, click \”Books, Periodicals,…etc.\” For a particular poet, type in the poet\’s name + criticism. Example: Robert Frost criticism 9. BIOGRAPHY: BOOKS TO CHECK OUT,Continue reading “Top 10 Library Poetry Resources, Pt. 1”

Top Ten Tuesday: International Women\’s Day

1. In 1908, 15,000 women marched through the streets of New York demanding shorter hours, better pay, and the right to vote. 2. The Socialist Party of America declared the first National Woman’s day in the United States to be February 28, 1909. 3. In 1910 at the second International Conference of Working Women ClaraContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: International Women\’s Day”

Top Ten Tuesday – Top 9 Uses for Gesture-based Computing

Sign Language Recognition Assistive Robotics Control Through Facial Gestures Immersive Game Technology Remote Control Directional indication through pointing Alternative Computer Interfaces Virtual controllers Affective computing Information pulled from computing is a way for a human to interact with a computer without actually being connected with wires and such. Input devices such as a mouse,Continue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – Top 9 Uses for Gesture-based Computing”

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