Top Ten Tuesday: New Audiobooks!

The library recently acquired a number of new audiobooks, for you commuters out there!  Here, in no particular order, are ten of them (click the titles to check availability): 1. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks – RC265.6 .L24 S55 2010B – 2011 Audie Award winner for Nonfiction. This is the true story of aContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: New Audiobooks!”

Top Ten Tuesday: My Top 10 from NPR\’s Top 100 Science-Fiction/Fantasy Books List

NPR\’s list of the top 100 science-fiction and fantasy books is up, and here are my top 10 from that list. I\’ve linked to the ones the library owns, so you can see if they\’re currently available for check out. The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey Ender\’s Game by Orson ScottContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: My Top 10 from NPR\’s Top 100 Science-Fiction/Fantasy Books List”

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Most used Library Databases

Our Library has 204 databases that were searched more than 2 million times last year!   Here is a list of the 10 most searched databases.  Which one is your favorite?  As budgets get tight, IF we were to think of dropping one of the less used resource list on our databases page, which one wouldContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Most used Library Databases”

Top 10 Cover Letter Tips

If you\’re out there looking for a job, chances are you are being asked to provide a resume and cover letter. Here are 10 tips to help you with your cover letter. 1. Check grammar/spelling errors – Speaking from personal experience, spelling errors are one of the first things that will get an applicant sentContinue reading “Top 10 Cover Letter Tips”

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Great Texas Places to Get Away From it All

With summer upon us many people think of just getting away to a cooler place. Others want to just get away from all of the connectivity that surrounds us. This is a list from Texas Highways of where in Texas you can go to get disconnected.1. Padre Island National Seashore2. Big Bend National Park3. Devil\’sContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Great Texas Places to Get Away From it All”

Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Easy Ways to Conserve H2O

With the current drought conditions in Texas and most other southern states, conserving water has become an urgent need, and it\’s a need that each of us can take steps to address.For starters, check out the eBay Green Team\’s 10 easy water-saving tips that can “significantly cut back on the 80 gallons of H2O thatContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Easy Ways to Conserve H2O”

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Personal Finance Books

Times are getting tough, we may have to check these out. The Total Money Makeover How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously Your Money or Your Life All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan I Will Teach You to Be Rich The Complete Tightwad Gazette The Random WalkContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Personal Finance Books”

Top Ten Tuesday: Save Money This Summer

If you’re like most of us, you’re constantly looking for ways to save money in whatever way you can. You may look at where your money is going and think “Why am I paying so much for groceries?” Here are ten tips to help you save money on your groceries this summer. Give some ofContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Save Money This Summer”

Top Ten Tuesday – 10 Most Powerful Women Authors

Forbes published a list of the ten most powerful women authors based on their \”ability to influence us through their words and ideas. Collectively, these women hold readers captivated with stories of fantastical worlds, suspense and drama, insights into the complexities of minority experiences and cultures, and fresh takes on societal issues and expectations…\”   ItContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – 10 Most Powerful Women Authors”

Top Ten Tuesday – eBooks

Now that the semester is almost over, I thought you might like to get some recreational reading in!   Here is a list of the 15 Best Websites for ebooks!  Most – if not all of these are FREE!   Read Print Library eBook Share Get Free eBooks ManyBooks Book Yards eBooks Space FreeTechBooks The OnlineContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – eBooks”

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