Top Ten Ways to Motivate Yourself

  Welcome to the home stretch! The semester is winding down and projects are wrapping up. Finals and graduation ceremonies are right around the corner. Some of you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. For others the goal may seem far away. Some are feeling accomplished. Others are feeling stretched and overwhelmed. How do you stayContinue reading “Top Ten Ways to Motivate Yourself”

Top Ten Tuesday: The Top Ten Horror Novels and Stories

Since Halloween is just a couple of weeks away, you might be in the mood to read something scary. According to The Top Tens (a website where Internet users can create and vote on top ten lists on a wide variety of topics) these are the top ten horror novels and stories:   1. The Tell-TaleContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: The Top Ten Horror Novels and Stories”

Top 10 Tuesday – Twelve Library Resources & Services

Welcome (back, to you returning students)!  Here, in no particular order, is a list of ten things (plus a bonus two) the library has to help make your semester a success. Note that some resources have been relocated from their original locations during our Learning Commons renovation project. mobile whiteboard Individual and group study rooms –Continue reading “Top 10 Tuesday – Twelve Library Resources & Services”

Top 10 Influential Women in History

Discovery has compiled a list of the top 10 influential women in history based on the following criteria: The women changed the opinions or actions of others. Their impact was international. Their influence was positive. The effects were sustained over time. They come from a variety of professions and geographic locations. 10. Maria MontessoriContinue reading “Top 10 Influential Women in History”

Top 10 Tuesday: 12 New Audiobooks

Here, in no particular order, are ten (and a bonus two) new audiobooks recently acquired by the Dick Smith Library.  Many of these won either a Newbery Medal or an Audie Award.  You can find them on the lower level in the Audiovisual Collection.  1. Up a Road Slowly by Irene Hunt, call number AV-AudioContinue reading “Top 10 Tuesday: 12 New Audiobooks”

Top 10 reasons to use Films on Demand

All videos include public performance rights and can be shown on campus or in the library to students, faculty, patrons, and community members. About 600 new titles are added every year. Videos can be searched by subject categories, which include Communication, Criminal Justice, Education, Sociology, and many more. Users can create and share customized playlists. Videos canContinue reading “Top 10 reasons to use Films on Demand”

Top 10 Reasons to Use Testing & Education Reference Center

Testing and Education Reference Center database, located on the library\’s A-Z Database list, is a tool that can be used by all: high school seniors, incoming freshmen, undergraduates, graduates, and even professors. It can help you prepare for your future in each stage of your life. CLEP Test~  Provides a complete subject review and 2 practiceContinue reading “Top 10 Reasons to Use Testing & Education Reference Center”

Top 10 Reasons to love Tarleton Libraries

There are lots of reasons to love Tarleton Libraries, but here are my Top 10.1. We have friendly, knowledgable staff that love to help you! Call us at 254-968-9249 or click for assistance.2. Shhh…we have quiet places to study. Check out the Quiet Zone located on the upper level of the library.3. We offer mobileContinue reading “Top 10 Reasons to love Tarleton Libraries”

Top Ten Newbery Medalists at the Dick Smith Library

Last Monday, the American Library Association announced its annual Youth Media Awards, the top books, video and audiobooks for children and young adults.  Here at the Dick Smith Library, we own all of the Medalists and nearly all of the Honor Books for the top two awards, the Randolph Caldecott Medal for the most distinguishedContinue reading “Top Ten Newbery Medalists at the Dick Smith Library”

Top Ten Tuesday – Library Resources & Services

Welcome back!  Here is a list of ten things (in no particular order) the library has to help make your semester a success. charging station Charging station for your mobile devices – on the main floor. Mobile whiteboards – available on all floors.  You can check out markers and erasers at the Circulation Desk on theContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – Library Resources & Services”

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