Productivity Tools for Bloggers

Barb Dybwad at Mashable: The Social Media Guide offers \”20 Simple Productivity Tools for Bloggers,\” which guides readers to resources for improving blogging workflow. She groups her recommendations into these categories: Multiple Clipboard Tools Blog Right from Firefox with Scribefire Save Typing Time with Text Shortcuts Firefox Extensions for Working with Text Site-Specific Browsers KeyboardContinue reading “Productivity Tools for Bloggers”

15 Essential Web Tools for Students

A recent Mashable post by Josh Catone offers a guide to 15 Essential Web Tools for Students, plus links to the tools and tips for using them. With all the tasks everyone manages every day, these tools are very handy. Stay Organized: web applications to help you get and stay organized. Evernote — note takingContinue reading “15 Essential Web Tools for Students”

Tips for Managing Social Media Profiles

If you have several social media profiles (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, etc.), you\’ve no doubt discovered how time consuming it is to make sure your pictures and personal info stay current, keep spam deleted, update contact lists, and so on. To get some tips for efficiently dealing with these tasks, check out Ben Parr’sContinue reading “Tips for Managing Social Media Profiles”

Get Tips for Managing Email

With the campus switching to the Microsoft Live@Edu email service (more information), now\’s a great time to learn ways to better manage the ever-increasing number of email messages that hit your inbox.Several online forums offer tips for managing email. For example, TechProse offers Managing Email, which gives suggestions for breaking the pattern of continuous interruption,Continue reading “Get Tips for Managing Email”

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