Qualitative VS. Quantitative What\’s the difference?

Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods: Where to Start? Quantitative  Quantitative methods focus on gathering numerical data through polls, surveys, or existing datasets, then numerically analyzing the gathered information to explain an event or a hypothesis.   Key points of quantitative methodology: Used for broad studies with large amounts of data  Aids in study replication  Helps avoid biasContinue reading “Qualitative VS. Quantitative What\’s the difference?”

"Enhancing Your Study Skills" series

Do you need to work on your writing skills?  Do you have a hard time focusing in class or when you study?  Each semester, Student Success Programs provides the \”Enhancing Your Study Skills\” series. Typically, the sessions are offered on Mondays in Math 125 and on Tuesdays in Room 219 of the Thompson Student Center. Continue reading “"Enhancing Your Study Skills" series”

#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess

Have you been noticing these 2 hash tags (#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess) being used last week and this week on twitter? Tarleton faculty and staff are working hard to help our students succeed during midterms and even finals (#TSUFinalsFrenzy). Not sure how you are doing in your classes? Don\’t be afraid to talk with your professors/teachers about your progress inContinue reading “#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess”

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