Top Ten Ways to Motivate Yourself

  Welcome to the home stretch! The semester is winding down and projects are wrapping up. Finals and graduation ceremonies are right around the corner. Some of you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. For others the goal may seem far away. Some are feeling accomplished. Others are feeling stretched and overwhelmed. How do you stayContinue reading “Top Ten Ways to Motivate Yourself”

Study Spaces for Finals

The library has a variety of study spaces available on all floors of the library to meet any need. Whether you need a quiet space to yourself, or want to work with a group on a presentation, we have you covered. Here\’s a list of the study spaces available by floor. Keep in mind thatContinue reading “Study Spaces for Finals”

Student Success Tips

Student Success Week is October 10th-October 14th. Below are a few tips that you may find useful. 1. Make Connections & Get involved The people you meet while in college can be a huge impact on your future. Get to know your professors, organization leaders, or any other influential people in your life on a professional level. That way,Continue reading “Student Success Tips”

Motivational Monday

Yesterday evening, I overheard a student proclaim she needed to write a three page paper on motivation that was due today. I told her \”procrastination is a motivator in and of itself\”(this doesn\’t mean I think anyone should procrastinate in order to motivate themselves to do school work); this got me to thinking, what trulyContinue reading “Motivational Monday”

"Enhancing Your Study Skills" series

Do you need to work on your writing skills?  Do you have a hard time focusing in class or when you study?  Each semester, Student Success Programs provides the \”Enhancing Your Study Skills\” series. Typically, the sessions are offered on Mondays in Math 125 and on Tuesdays in Room 219 of the Thompson Student Center. Continue reading “"Enhancing Your Study Skills" series”

#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess

Have you been noticing these 2 hash tags (#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess) being used last week and this week on twitter? Tarleton faculty and staff are working hard to help our students succeed during midterms and even finals (#TSUFinalsFrenzy). Not sure how you are doing in your classes? Don\’t be afraid to talk with your professors/teachers about your progress inContinue reading “#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess”

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