Get some library tips via YouTube

Did you know that Tarleton Libraries has a YouTube channel? Screenshot of the library\’s YouTube channel. It has a wide variety of videos. Below are some of the topics you can learn about: Understanding copyright and fair useRenewing items onlineChecking out itemsUsing the Discovery search tool Our tutorial videos also have edited closed captions. LetContinue reading “Get some library tips via YouTube”

Keep Up With Us Through Our Social Media

Did you know that you can follow the library on a wide variety of social networks? Blog The blog that you\’re reading right now has hundreds of entries dating back to 2007.   Subjects run the gamut from library resources to glimpses of Tarleton history. Facebook This is still the world\’s largest social network, with overContinue reading “Keep Up With Us Through Our Social Media”

Color Yourself Into Library Fame

Wanna be library famous? In honor of Library Lovers Day, we are conducting a bookmark coloring contest. The contest began Monday, February 1st, and will end February 10th. The winner will be announced Friday, February 12. Forms can be found at the Circulation Desk in the Dick Smith Library (Stephenville) and at the Service DeskContinue reading “Color Yourself Into Library Fame”

#NativismSyllabus – Guest post by Dr. Michael Landis, Assistant Professor of History

Introduction On June 17, 2015, neo-Confederate white supremacist Dylan Roof entered the historic Emanuel African Methodist Church in Charleston, SC and murdered nine black parishioners.  The event, though sadly not unusual in the history of the United States, sparked immediate and profound national outrage.  In the aftermath, symbols of the Confederacy began to be removedContinue reading “#NativismSyllabus – Guest post by Dr. Michael Landis, Assistant Professor of History”

Most Interesting Man Asks A Librarian

Not sure how to cite your sources, where to find materials in the library, or how to use the databases?  AskALibrarian! Tarleton Libraries is always ready to help you with your research needs. You can also give us a call at 254-968-9249 or send questions via any of our social media outlets. We look forwardContinue reading “Most Interesting Man Asks A Librarian”

I saved it…I think.

Summer sessions are in full swing and students are gearing up for the upcoming Fall semester. Remember to save your work to your T-drive, email, and/or flash drive. Being overly cautious, when it comes to your hard work, will pay off. Have questions on how to save to your T-drive or what your T-drive is?Continue reading “I saved it…I think.”

Tarleton Libraries: Year(s) in Review

You may have heard about the Library Chronicles but do you know what it is? Library Chronicles is a newsletter magazine published annually by the library\’s Marketing and Outreach Committee which spotlights events and happenings that have occurred within the library for the specific newsletter\’s year. Basically, if you\’ve ever wondered what goes on at the library you can find the answer withinContinue reading “Tarleton Libraries: Year(s) in Review”

Do you InstaLibrary? Follow or Tag Us on Instagram

Follow us @tarletonlib You may have seen that Tarleton Libraries has a Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest (as well as other social media accounts)but did you know that we also have an Instagram? Search for our username @tarletonlib to follow us. We post Tarleton-related and Library-related photos. For example, we have posted a few renovation updates toContinue reading “Do you InstaLibrary? Follow or Tag Us on Instagram”

Dick Smith Library on Pinterest? How Pinteresting!

February is just around the corner and if you’re like me, you’ve probably been flocking to Pinterest searching for gift ideas, special recipes, or decorating ideas.  Well did you know that the Dick Smith Library has a Pinterest account? You may be surprised to find that the library has 11 unique boards ranging in topicsContinue reading “Dick Smith Library on Pinterest? How Pinteresting!”

Midterm Mania

Want to contribute to the Midterm Mania conversation? Check out the hashtag: #TSUMidtermMania Midterm Mania is happening NOW!  Are you bogged down with midterms? Have a huge research paper due?  Check out the library\’s Twitter account: @TarletonLib During Midterm Mania, we have been tweeting helpful tips for students concerning Midterms. Don\’t have a Twitter? That\’s okay. Continue reading “Midterm Mania”

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