Dick Smith Library on Pinterest? How Pinteresting!

February is just around the corner and if you’re like me, you’ve probably been flocking to Pinterest searching for gift ideas, special recipes, or decorating ideas.  Well did you know that the Dick Smith Library has a Pinterest account? You may be surprised to find that the library has 11 unique boards ranging in topicsContinue reading “Dick Smith Library on Pinterest? How Pinteresting!”

15 Essential Web Tools for Students

A recent Mashable post by Josh Catone offers a guide to 15 Essential Web Tools for Students, plus links to the tools and tips for using them. With all the tasks everyone manages every day, these tools are very handy. Stay Organized: web applications to help you get and stay organized. Evernote — note takingContinue reading “15 Essential Web Tools for Students”

Calling all book lovers!!

If you\’re a bibliophile, you might want to check out these websites. You\’ve hopefully have heard of LibraryThing, the most popular social cataloging website online, and perhaps even of the Amazon-owned Shelfari, but here are a few websites for book lovers that you may not have heard about: 1. BookSproutsBookSprouts is a website where youContinue reading “Calling all book lovers!!”

Easy & del.icio.us

Do you participate in social bookmarking? If you haven\’t tried using del.icio.us or other social bookmarking or tagging tools yet… this video may help change your mind! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x66lV7GOcNU Social bookmarking is easy and it allows you to access and share your favorite websites from anywhere you have an internet connection. Let us know what youContinue reading “Easy & del.icio.us”

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