New History Databases

Do you have a history research assignment this semester? If so, then the library is the place for you. We have a wealth of reliable sources that will make your professor very happy when you use them to support your research papers and projects. Over the past few months, the Dick Smith Library has addedContinue reading “New History Databases”

What to do if you don\’t know which database to use

If you need to find an article but aren\’t sure which library database to use, you have several options. Here are a few of them: Ask for help. Librarians at the reference desk can help you find what you\’re looking for, or at least get you on the right path. You can also call (254-968-9249) orContinue reading “What to do if you don\’t know which database to use”

Black History Month

February is Black History Month, so to celebrate the library is spotlighting a Research Guide and Selected Internet links.  These pages are featured on the news and events section of the library website.   Stop by and take a look…and if you have a suggestion for a link or a topic to feature, post a commentContinue reading “Black History Month”

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