Off-Campus and Distance Learning Services

Are you a distance learner? Do you attend classes in Fort Worth, Waco, Midlothian, Weatherford, or some other Tarleton associated campus? If so, you should become familiar with the library\’s off-campus and distance learning services. Check out our distance services website to learn more:  You may also contact our Access Services Librarian, Kym Schow, whoContinue reading “Off-Campus and Distance Learning Services”

Read online — anytime

Want to read a bit, but don’t have anything handy? Tarleton Libraries may have what you want.We offer many online books (fiction and nonfiction), which you can read at your leisure: Search for them in the library\’s catalog:— Go to the library’s home page— Click \”Library Catalog\” (in left column).— Click \”Advanced Search Options.— ChooseContinue reading “Read online — anytime”

Meebo Me!

Have you ever wanted to IM (instant message) a librarian here at the Dick Smith Library? Well, now you can! We are testing Meebo to see if and how an IM service would be used with the library. In one click, wirh no registration or download required (unless the computer you are using does notContinue reading “Meebo Me!”

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