New Books Displays

Crystal\’s book art at the Reference Desk new books display Those of you who’d like to browse through some of the newest things added to the Dick Smith Library’s collection should take a look at our new books displays. There are two on the main floor: one at the Reference Desk and one in theContinue reading “New Books Displays”

July New Books

Each month the Dick Smith Library adds new books to its shelves. The books range from several topics which typically align with Tarleton State University\’s curriculum.  Here\’s a look at a few new books that hit our shelves last month, July: Book Cover from Latinos and American Popular Culture  Patricia M. Montilla, editor. GeneralContinue reading “July New Books”

Arr, Today be National Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Display on Piracy. Ahoy, mateys. Today marks the 10th Annual National Talk Like A Pirate Day! There are several things you can do to participate in this day of fun. You can change the language of your Facebook to English (Pirate). You can also use the Tarleton Libraries Mango Languages database to learn to talk pirate. WhyContinue reading “Arr, Today be National Talk Like A Pirate Day!”

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