Texas State & National Parks

Looking for something to do over the holiday break? Perhaps you should explore the beautiful scenery available at one of the state or national parks in Texas. There\’s also plenty of outdoor activities (hiking, camping, and more) to enjoy in Texas\’ national forests and grasslands and national wildlife refuges. Enchanted Rock – Enchanted Rock State Natural Area.Joshua Wallace, photographer and copyright holder, 2010.Continue reading “Texas State & National Parks”

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Great Texas Places to Get Away From it All

With summer upon us many people think of just getting away to a cooler place. Others want to just get away from all of the connectivity that surrounds us. This is a list from Texas Highways of where in Texas you can go to get disconnected.1. Padre Island National Seashore2. Big Bend National Park3. Devil\’sContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Great Texas Places to Get Away From it All”

Want to go camping? Not sure where? Recreation.gov can help!

If you love the outdoors, camping can be a dream vacation. However, figuring out where to camp can sometimes be an issue. Recreation.gov may be just what you need because it lets you search for campsites by location, type (tent, cabin, RV, etc.), and preferred dates, identify recreation areas based on desired activities like boating,Continue reading “Want to go camping? Not sure where? Recreation.gov can help!”

Top Ten Tuesday – 10 most visited National Parks

I need a vacation! (…don\’t we all?) I\’ve always had a dream to visit all the National Parks in the U.S. I was doing some research and found a great Top Ten list! Here is data from the National Park Service. These were the 10 most visited National Parks in 2008. Great Smoky Mountains NPContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – 10 most visited National Parks”

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