What does the library mean to you?

This year the library is going to participate in the Texas Library Association (TxLA) Snapshot Day.  It allows libraries and library users to showcase library activities.  It is a \”snapshot\” of a day in the life of our library. On October 30 & 31, help showcase the new Library Learning Commons and show the importanceContinue reading “What does the library mean to you?”

National Digital Public Library Launched

The National Digital Public Library was launched April 18th. It is a project to make available the holdings of America\’s archive, research libraries, and museums. The library serves as a portal to the digital collections of several libraries. Among the hubs are Harvard, University of Virginia, David Rumsey Map Collection, National Archives and Records Administration,Continue reading “National Digital Public Library Launched”

Texas Library Association

The Texas Library Association (TLA) just held its annual conference in Fort Worth, April 24-27.  Although the association was established in 1902, the first conference was not held until 1914, so 2013\’s conference was the 100th! Today, TLA has over 7,600 members and is the largest state library association (with the largest state conference) inContinue reading “Texas Library Association”

Quest for Information – Not Such a New Thing

Our modern day society thrives on information.  We watch the news.  We read articles in the newspaper.  We scour the Internet for information.  We use our phones to receive information  whenever and wherever we want.  People from the 19thand 20th centuries were not so different from us in their longing for information. In the lateContinue reading “Quest for Information – Not Such a New Thing”

Top Ten Tuesday: 2010 Top Ten Trends in Academic Libraries

1. Academic library collection growth is driven by patron demand and will include new resource types.2. Budget challenges will continue and libraries will evolve as a result.3. Changes in higher education will require that librarians possess diverse skill sets.4. Demands for accountability and assessment will increase.5. Digitization of unique library collections will increase and requireContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: 2010 Top Ten Trends in Academic Libraries”

Today in History – The Library of Congress American Memory

The staff member who was supposed to post in the Library Online Lounge is out today with an injury, and I did not remember this until a half-hour before I\’m supposed to go home! Scrambling around for something to post, I Googled \”today in history\” and came up with this. The Library of Congress\’ AmericanContinue reading “Today in History – The Library of Congress American Memory”

Choose Privacy Week, May 2-8 2010

May 2-8 is the first ever Choose Privacy Week, sponsored by the American Library Association. ALA describes Choose Privacy Week as a \”new initiative…about privacy rights in a digital age\”, where libraries can \”give citizens the resources to think critically and make more informed choices about their privacy.\” 1 Although online services such as GoogleContinue reading “Choose Privacy Week, May 2-8 2010”

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