Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Easy Ways to Conserve H2O

With the current drought conditions in Texas and most other southern states, conserving water has become an urgent need, and it\’s a need that each of us can take steps to address.For starters, check out the eBay Green Team\’s 10 easy water-saving tips that can “significantly cut back on the 80 gallons of H2O thatContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Easy Ways to Conserve H2O”

Beat the heat without beating your wallet

Summer is just around the corner, and it\’s already starting to heat up here in Texas. If you\’re like me, you have already turned on your air conditioner a few times by turning the switch and not doing any other checking or action. Did you know you could save money and energy by taking aContinue reading “Beat the heat without beating your wallet”

Top Ten Ways to Beat the Heat

With temperatures reaching the triple digits all week, an article in Real Simple magazine on \”23 Ways to Beat the Heat\” is timely reading. Here are my top ten (a few modified and added to) of those ideas: 1. Stay hydated. To replace the moisture that you lose as you perspire, be sure to drink.Continue reading “Top Ten Ways to Beat the Heat”

Top Ten Tuesday – Ways to beat the Dog Days of Summer

It\’s that time of year – the dog days of summer, but really want does that mean? Everyone knows that the \”dog days of summer\” occur during the hottest and muggiest part of the season. Webster defines \”dog days\” as… 1) the period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather ofContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – Ways to beat the Dog Days of Summer”

Top Ten Tuesday – Top 10 Ways to Beat the Heat

Sunday is the official start of summer. That means more hot weather is on the way. I\’m not a fan of warm temperatures. Here are some ways you can beat the summer heat! Use a computer at the library Go to Summer School – Tarleton buildings are air conditioned Find a swimming pool Take inContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – Top 10 Ways to Beat the Heat”

Whew! It\’s HOT! Do you know how your Grandma is?

Given the weather we have been having, it behooves us to review symptoms of heat stress. Perhaps you have been visiting with your relatives. If you think an aunt or uncle or grandparent is not behaving normally, perhaps the heat is taking a toll. Take a look at the symptoms, and be prepared to helpContinue reading “Whew! It\’s HOT! Do you know how your Grandma is?”

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