Fiber Arts Club

If you enjoy doing any sort of fiber arts, the Fiber Arts Club is an excellent group to join. It meets from 6pm to 8pm on the first and third Thursday of each month – the first Thursday is at the Stephenville Public Library, and the third Thursday is at the Dick Smith Library (Multi-PurposeContinue reading “Fiber Arts Club”

Warm Up With the Library, and Find Recipes in Some of Our Fiction

Although cookbooks are certainly excellent resources for recipes to help you stay warm in the winter, did you know what some fiction books will occasionally include bonus recipes as well? For this post, we tried making “Sully’s Hot Chocolate” from Jenn McKinlay’s Books Can Be Deceiving. The result, pictured below, was rich, sweet, and chocolateyContinue reading “Warm Up With the Library, and Find Recipes in Some of Our Fiction”

How long will it take you to finish the books in your TBR pile?

Read It Forward has a calculator on their site that can tell you how long it will take you to finish the books in your TBR (To Be Read) pile. It\’s available here. All you need is the total number of books in your pile (or saved on your e-reader, or included in a GoodreadsContinue reading “How long will it take you to finish the books in your TBR pile?”

Free public domain books

If you can\’t find a public domain book in the library or would just prefer something downloadable, there are lots of good sites out there. A couple I like are Project Gutenberg and LibriVox. Project Gutenberg has over 49,000 free e-books – you can download them as Kindle e-books, EPUB files, or read them onlineContinue reading “Free public domain books”

Fun for the summer!

If you\’re ready to sit back and relax, you can find something for just about everyone at the library – we have books, graphic novels, DVDs, and more. The above picture shows just a few of the things in our collection. From left to right: Airborn by Kenneth Oppel – A steampunk YA novel. TheContinue reading “Fun for the summer!”

Do you have interests beside school? We have databases for you!

This semester we have several new databases for you to use! Most of them are academic databases that will be great for your school work, and you can check them all out on the Guide to Databases Page.  But, we know that you have interests outside of school as well, so today I’m highlighting threeContinue reading “Do you have interests beside school? We have databases for you!”

It\’s the Summer of Zombies

If you\’re not taking classes this summer or if you\’re looking for something to give you a break from your summer school work, why not read a book and/or watch a movie based on a book? Here are a couple of fun summer reading ideas (or their movie versions for movie-watchers) to fight off summerContinue reading “It\’s the Summer of Zombies”

Twitter poetry

Here\’s something cool I stumbled across recently: Pentametron. It\’s a Twitter bot that crawls Twitter, finds tweets in iambic pentameter, and then arranges them into sonnets. The results can be strange, but it\’s amazing how well some lines work together. Oh, and if you check and see one of the library\’s tweets in a sonnet,Continue reading “Twitter poetry”

Top Ten Tuesday – Ready for Halloween?

Tomorrow is the big day!  I have my candy, and my jack-o-laterns are made.  I thought I would give you a list of fun movies you might watch as you wait for the trick-or-treaters. (Sorry I don\’t do scarey.) Beetle Juice – 1988 Hocus Pocus – 1993 The Goonies –  1985 The Nightmare Before ChristmasContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – Ready for Halloween?”

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