Banned Books Week 2020

  It\’s Banned Books Week!  Check out these commonly banned books.   In 2019, And Tango makes three was one of the most challenged books that year. Check it out in the Curriculum section of the Dick Smith Library, call number PZ10.1 .R414 TAN 2005  This book was banned by the Florida Department of Correction and NorthContinue reading “Banned Books Week 2020”

Read the BANNED book before you watch the series!

For Banned Books Week, check out these three books that have been turned into a hit series.  1. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller Catch-22 is about Yossarian, a pilot during WWII, who is being sent on missions that only a crazy person would agree to. The catch? If you know you’re crazy, you can’t really beContinue reading “Read the BANNED book before you watch the series!”

Ten Top Tuesday – 10 most challenged books of 2008

September 26 – October 3, 2009 Its banned book week and it is Tuesday, time for a list. ALA lists these as the top ten most frequently challenged books of 2008. Many of these are in the Dick Smith Library! Take a look. And Tango Makes Three, by Justin Richardson and Peter ParnellReasons: anti-ethnic, anti-family,Continue reading “Ten Top Tuesday – 10 most challenged books of 2008”

Book Challenges

\”Banned Books\” week is coming up, September 26 through October 3. Many books are challenged in schools and libraries in the United States each year. A challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, while a banning reflects the actual removal of those materials. The American Library Association (ALA) tracks challenges that occur, recordingContinue reading “Book Challenges”

Celebrate Constitution Day – September 17

Due to the rain today, outdoor activities will be held under the canopy in front of the Grant (Humanities) Building, next to the Library. Reading of the Preamble and Bill of Rights11:00 a.m.*Speaker’s Corner11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.Free pizza while it lasts! * Banned Books Readings1:30 to 2:30 p.m.*Special ForumThe 1st Amendment: How is itContinue reading “Celebrate Constitution Day – September 17”

Top Ten Tuesday – Freedom to Read

It is Tuesday again – How about a list? In the United State we observe Banned Books Week and in Canada they honor Freedom to Read. Both are such GREAT ideas. We should celebrate all our freedoms! This week (February 22-28, 2008) the Canadian Freedom of Expression Committee is celebrating the 25th anniversary of theContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – Freedom to Read”

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