Everyone comes to the library first!

The screenshot above is from a February 1939 edition of the JTAC. As you can see from the message, \”everyone that visited Tarleton came to the library first!\” The Senior Class of \’39 did in fact donate a beautiful charge desk to the library. The Dick Smith Library is swarming with students studying for finals,Continue reading “Everyone comes to the library first!”

QUIET!! Thinking Fast and Slow

Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on DiscoverySchool.com Copyright � 1998 Mark A. Hicks. Originally published by Mark A. Hicks. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/clipart/copyright.html Texan Hall Library in Fort Worth seems to be considerably quieter during finals week?  Why? I think it might relate to this funny post going around on Facebook about turning downContinue reading “QUIET!! Thinking Fast and Slow”

Anthology: Digitized & New Volume Published

Volume 20, 2014cover Volume 20 of Anthology PublishedIn case you missed the announcement last week, you should know that the Volume 20 of Anthology has been published and it showcases Tarleton students\’ exceptional creative talents.A forum for student prose, poetry, and visual arts, Anthology began to take shape in 1994 through the efforts of twoContinue reading “Anthology: Digitized & New Volume Published”

Beat Final Exam Stress

As many of you are aware, final exams start tomorrow! Are you feeling the pressure? Are your nerves getting the best of you? The following is a link to 6 tips on beating final exam stress: Six Tips to Beat Final Exam Stress Also, if you\’re worried about forgetting your final exam schedule, here isContinue reading “Beat Final Exam Stress”

Tips for Final Exams

Common Mistake 1: Cramming (all nighters or studying one subject too long) Why it doesn’t work: Mental exhaustion – Cramming for hours and hours makes you tired and you won’t be able to remember or retain the information long-term.Better Approach: • Break your study times up into small chunks of time of an hour withContinue reading “Tips for Final Exams”

Video Lectures from Top Colleges

As final exams hurry toward us, everyone is going to be busy reviewing the semester\’s work, looking over their class notes, locating study partners, participating in help/review sessions, and trying to remember it all. To help prepare for finals, you can also listen to lecture notes from other universities.Guy McDowell at MakeUseOf lists 5 GreatContinue reading “Video Lectures from Top Colleges”

National Stress Out Day

What do you get when you mix a national financial crisis, winter holidays and final exams? A heaping portion of S-T-R-E-S-S. Active Minds, a national mental health organization on college campuses, created National Stress Out Day (Week of April 20-24, 2009). It \”provides a pre-finals stress reliever and…[educates] students with information about stress management, anxietyContinue reading “National Stress Out Day”

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