Dick Smith Library on Pinterest? How Pinteresting!

February is just around the corner and if you’re like me, you’ve probably been flocking to Pinterest searching for gift ideas, special recipes, or decorating ideas.  Well did you know that the Dick Smith Library has a Pinterest account? You may be surprised to find that the library has 11 unique boards ranging in topicsContinue reading “Dick Smith Library on Pinterest? How Pinteresting!”

#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess

Have you been noticing these 2 hash tags (#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess) being used last week and this week on twitter? Tarleton faculty and staff are working hard to help our students succeed during midterms and even finals (#TSUFinalsFrenzy). Not sure how you are doing in your classes? Don\’t be afraid to talk with your professors/teachers about your progress inContinue reading “#TSUMidtermMania #studentsuccess”

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