Most Interesting Man Asks A Librarian

Not sure how to cite your sources, where to find materials in the library, or how to use the databases?  AskALibrarian! Tarleton Libraries is always ready to help you with your research needs. You can also give us a call at 254-968-9249 or send questions via any of our social media outlets. We look forwardContinue reading “Most Interesting Man Asks A Librarian”

Midterm Mania

Want to contribute to the Midterm Mania conversation? Check out the hashtag: #TSUMidtermMania Midterm Mania is happening NOW!  Are you bogged down with midterms? Have a huge research paper due?  Check out the library\’s Twitter account: @TarletonLib During Midterm Mania, we have been tweeting helpful tips for students concerning Midterms. Don\’t have a Twitter? That\’s okay. Continue reading “Midterm Mania”

Tarleton Thursdays: Did you know?

As you know from a previous blog post done in January, the library has several outlets of social media. We have a Facebook page, Twitter, Pinterest, and Flickr, to name a few. You can find out when the library\’s upcoming events, hours, and resources that are available. Did you know that we\’ve had a Facebook page and Twitter sinceContinue reading “Tarleton Thursdays: Did you know?”

10 Facebook Privacy tips

These tips are from a joint presentation given by Career Services and the Dick Smith Library. For details, check out this PDF. 10. Check your account\’s privacy settings regularly. Facebook sometimes revises privacy features without notifying users. 9. Don\’t use Facebook to log onto or leave comments on other sites…or even public Facebook pages. EvenContinue reading “10 Facebook Privacy tips”

Thunderstorms in Cloud Computing OR Back Ups to the Rescue

The recent glitch in Amazon\’s cloud storage that knocked out several popular websites is a timely reminder that backing up materials is usually best practice. Now that we\’re all storing so many items on social media, we often forget that digital storage doesn\’t equal permanent storage (not sure what does) and forget to make backups.Continue reading “Thunderstorms in Cloud Computing OR Back Ups to the Rescue”

Homeland Security uses Twitter and Facebook For New Alert System

Homeland Security Taps Twitter, Facebook For New Alert System  It is like Code Purple for the nation! No more level Orange threats. Facebook and Twitter are widely used, but what about the older generation or those without computers, the internet, or cell phones? The new system is supposed to launch April 27th.  They will postContinue reading “Homeland Security uses Twitter and Facebook For New Alert System”

Top Ten Tuesday: Stay Informed

The following list, in no particular order, offers links to Tarleton resources that will help you stay in the know. Tarleton homepage Check out news releases, spotlighted announcements, and upcoming events notices. Current Students page Learn about campus life, technology & support, news & events, student activities, and health & safety, as well as locateContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Stay Informed”

Top Ten Tuesday: Facebook

It\’s Tuesday! That means a list. You all use Facebook. You see it on monitors all over the library. So I decided to give you 10 reasons you should follow/like the Tarleton Libraries on Facebook! Show your support for the library. Find out what new databases and resources are available. It is a way toContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday: Facebook”

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