Tarleton Libraries YouTube Channel Did you know that the library has a YouTube channel? Not only that, it\’s seven years old and it has over eighty videos! A screenshot of the Tarleton Libraries YouTube channel. Our librarians have been busy creating tutorial videos for you during the past few months.Stop by our channel and findContinue reading

Tarleton Thursday: Historypin Tour of Campus

Just in time for Homecoming 2016, the Dick Smith Library is introducing a Historypin tour of the main campus in Stephenville! What is Historypin?  It\’s a nonprofit organization with \”a free website where anyone can upload and create collections of historical photos, videos and sounds.\”  You can also create a \”tour,\” which is what weContinue reading “Tarleton Thursday: Historypin Tour of Campus”

Books on Weather, Nature, and Meteorology

Have you noticed the extremely unusual summer we\’re having? All of the crazy weather that Texas is experiencing has made me curious about meteorology and how meteorologists predict storms. Did you know that the Dick Smith Library has books on weather, nature, and meteorology? Stop by the library for a dry place to hang outContinue reading “Books on Weather, Nature, and Meteorology”

Laptop Lending Machine

In case you missed the big surprise unveiling yesterday, here\’s a look at something new the library has to offer: a Laptop Lending Machine! Dr. Dottavio and SGA President Jay Johnson were the first two people to swipe their Texan Cards and try out the new laptop loan vending machine. The process is simple, and you no longerContinue reading “Laptop Lending Machine”

How to Find Books, Movies, & More

Have you visited the library and wondered how to find books or other items specific to your research topic? You\’re not alone; several students approach the Reference Desk with questions on locating items on a daily basis. We\’re always happy to help but here\’s a brief tutorial to get you started:  1.  Visit the library\’sContinue reading “How to Find Books, Movies, & More”

Dick Smith Library on Pinterest? How Pinteresting!

February is just around the corner and if you’re like me, you’ve probably been flocking to Pinterest searching for gift ideas, special recipes, or decorating ideas.  Well did you know that the Dick Smith Library has a Pinterest account? You may be surprised to find that the library has 11 unique boards ranging in topicsContinue reading “Dick Smith Library on Pinterest? How Pinteresting!”

Peanuts and Cracker Jacks

Tonight, Dr. Dottavio will be throwing the first pitch at the Texas Rangers versus the Cincinatti Reds game. 1,000 or so Faculty, Staff, Students, Family, and Supporters of Tarleton State University will be in attendance at the game tonight. Among those thousand will be several of the Library staff.   If baseball is your thing,Continue reading “Peanuts and Cracker Jacks”

Need Help on the Upper Level of the Library? You\’re In Luck

Have you ever found yourself lost upstairs in the library\’s stacks? Or maybe you\’re working on a paper on one of our computers upstairs and realize you need assistance finding more sources but don\’t want leave your work unattended?  We have you covered! Did you know we have a reference desk upstairs which is staffedContinue reading “Need Help on the Upper Level of the Library? You\’re In Luck”

The DSL Wants YOU to Take a Suvery

Are you a library user? Have you used our Discovery @ Tarleton service which allows you to search the library\’s online catalog and 85% of our academic databases simultaneously? If so, we\’re looking for a few more people to take our survey and provide feedback on Discovery @ Tarleton. Help us help you by tellingContinue reading “The DSL Wants YOU to Take a Suvery”

READ Posters Revealed Today

Today at 1:30, the Dick Smith Library will reveal who is on this year’s READ posters. The READ posters, first begun in 2010, are part of the Dick Smith Library’s celebration of National Library Week. The posters feature individuals or groups that are part of Tarleton’s history and traditions or an iconic image of Tarleton.Continue reading “READ Posters Revealed Today”

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