College Success!

The campus is live with students making their way to classes, dorms, meals, and of course the library!   We hope everyone has a great semester!   The library wants to help.  Did you know the library has books about how to be successful in college?  That we have an entire Pinterest board devoted to links thatContinue reading “College Success!”

Motivational Monday

Yesterday evening, I overheard a student proclaim she needed to write a three page paper on motivation that was due today. I told her \”procrastination is a motivator in and of itself\”(this doesn\’t mean I think anyone should procrastinate in order to motivate themselves to do school work); this got me to thinking, what trulyContinue reading “Motivational Monday”

Library + Pinterest = Success? Yes!

Welcome to all of our returning students and to the class of 2017. There are many resources at Tarleton State University to help you while you are a student here. One of them, naturally, is the library. One resource for student success that you might not expect us to have is our Pinterest board calledContinue reading “Library + Pinterest = Success? Yes!”

Academic Integrity Brown Bag

Join the Discussion! What is Academic Integrity? Why it Matters Is Academic Dishonesty a Big Deal? Causes & Consequences Ways to Avoid Missteps Where is Help Available? Thurs., Oct. 1412:10-12:50Library MultiPurpose RoomSponsored byOffice of Judicial Affairs (254-968-9576)Division of Student Life

Writing a Paper? Try These 7 Research Tips

This article by Lynn Jacobs and Jeremy Hyman in U.S. News & World Report offers practical tips for successfully starting, planning, and finishing papers. The following list gives article excerpts and along with links to Tarleton Libraries\’ resources and services to help you apply the research tips. Enjoy! Start from where you are. Pick aContinue reading “Writing a Paper? Try These 7 Research Tips”

15 Essential Web Tools for Students

A recent Mashable post by Josh Catone offers a guide to 15 Essential Web Tools for Students, plus links to the tools and tips for using them. With all the tasks everyone manages every day, these tools are very handy. Stay Organized: web applications to help you get and stay organized. Evernote — note takingContinue reading “15 Essential Web Tools for Students”

Choosing Sources

Know you need to locate articles for a project or paper? Not sure which types of periodicals would be the best to use? Not quite sure how to tell the difference between the different types of periodicals? Not sure why you should care about the difference between different types of periodicals? If you answered yesContinue reading “Choosing Sources”

What do you think? Call Mom & Dad?

Many colleges and universities are reluctant to reach out to parents when there are signs of trouble, such as a missing or potentially suicidal student. Citing a federal law meant to protect student privacy, many schools rope off young people\’s records from parents and authorities. But in one area, administrators are increasingly exploiting an exceptionContinue reading “What do you think? Call Mom & Dad?”

Increasing the likelihood of YOUR college success

Are you known as “conscientious and hard-working”? If you are, congratulations! This may be a better indicator of success in college than your SAT scores. See the whole article at Do you hate those group project assignments? —Don’t! \”Students learn better and develop higher-level skills by participating in cooperative (team) activities…”, according to aContinue reading “Increasing the likelihood of YOUR college success”

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