Ask a Librarian

Reference Department 2015We\’ve had a few comings and goings but we\’re still ready to assist you. Stop by the Reference Desk for assistance!   Have you ever had a library or research-related question when you were on the go or after the library\’s operating hours?   Did you know that the library has a service which allows you toContinue reading “Ask a Librarian”

Most Interesting Man Asks A Librarian

Not sure how to cite your sources, where to find materials in the library, or how to use the databases?  AskALibrarian! Tarleton Libraries is always ready to help you with your research needs. You can also give us a call at 254-968-9249 or send questions via any of our social media outlets. We look forwardContinue reading “Most Interesting Man Asks A Librarian”

Outdoor Recreation and the Library

Summer is always a great time to go camping, fishing, swimming, or enjoy other outdoor recreation. This summer, Rec Sports will be hosting several Outdoor Pursuits as well as outdoor recreational activities. You can also climb the rock wall and enjoy free sessions of Group X, in the Rec Center, during the summer.   What do RecContinue reading “Outdoor Recreation and the Library”

Need Help on the Upper Level of the Library? You\’re In Luck

Have you ever found yourself lost upstairs in the library\’s stacks? Or maybe you\’re working on a paper on one of our computers upstairs and realize you need assistance finding more sources but don\’t want leave your work unattended?  We have you covered! Did you know we have a reference desk upstairs which is staffedContinue reading “Need Help on the Upper Level of the Library? You\’re In Luck”

Dick Smith Library Can Help You Get What You Need

In addition to the useful library resources and services described in yesterday\’s post, the library strives to help you get what you need when you need it: Online library catalog so you can locate items (print and electronic) in our collections. Databases so you can locate articles, films, reports, books, and more. Use your NTNET login to access databasesContinue reading “Dick Smith Library Can Help You Get What You Need”

Ask a Librarian???

Need Help, like yesterday? You can call the reference desk during library hours at (254) 968-9249 or send an email via web form.  Ask A Librarian QR code Can\’t find the article you need in the databases? Frustrated with citations? Lose a book and not sure what fines you\’ll have? Not certain where to begin withContinue reading “Ask a Librarian???”

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