New Database: APA Style CENTRAL

Do you need assistance writing and citing your papers in correct APA style? If the answer is yes, then you must check out one of our newest databases: APA Style CENTRAL. You can find it on the A-Z Database List. *Some of the tools within this database require an APA Style CENTRAL account to access. You can createContinue reading “New Database: APA Style CENTRAL”

Re-Issue of APA Publication Manual 6th ed.

If you bought the first printing of the 2009 Publication Manual of the American Psychology Association (6th edition), you need this information.The first printing of APA\’s 2009 Publication Manual (6th ed.) contained many errors. APA has agreed to replace the error-ridden first printing with a corrected edition — at no charge to the purchaser.To determineContinue reading “Re-Issue of APA Publication Manual 6th ed.”

15 Essential Web Tools for Students

A recent Mashable post by Josh Catone offers a guide to 15 Essential Web Tools for Students, plus links to the tools and tips for using them. With all the tasks everyone manages every day, these tools are very handy. Stay Organized: web applications to help you get and stay organized. Evernote — note takingContinue reading “15 Essential Web Tools for Students”

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