Top Ten Tuesday – Study Skills

The third Tuesday of the new semester – Wow how time flies! It is time to start that research and hit the books. I wanted to give you this list of Top Ten Study Skills. Top Ten Tips on Study Skills Budget your time. Read everything assigned. Do all assignments. Take good notes. Organize andContinue reading “Top Ten Tuesday – Study Skills”

Choosing Sources

Know you need to locate articles for a project or paper? Not sure which types of periodicals would be the best to use? Not quite sure how to tell the difference between the different types of periodicals? Not sure why you should care about the difference between different types of periodicals? If you answered yesContinue reading “Choosing Sources”

Meebo Me!

Have you ever wanted to IM (instant message) a librarian here at the Dick Smith Library? Well, now you can! We are testing Meebo to see if and how an IM service would be used with the library. In one click, wirh no registration or download required (unless the computer you are using does notContinue reading “Meebo Me!”

Study skills & stress management for exam week

With Final Exams coming up I wanted to share a great web site to help get everyone through! Study Tips for Finals: Study skills & stress management for exam week– This site has really good information about the following topics and more. Time management. Schedule in study breaks. (With a link to \’Great Study Breaks\’)Continue reading “Study skills & stress management for exam week”

Putting An End To Thirsty Thursdays

What is your opinion? Do you think \”thursday partying\” effects your grades? Read the following article and tell us what you think! Forget about \”Thirsty Thursdays\” kicking off three days of partying on some college campuses this school year. Some colleges are wresting Fridays back from the weekend\’s clutches, and warning students that skipping FridayContinue reading “Putting An End To Thirsty Thursdays”

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