Top Ten Ways to Motivate Yourself

  Welcome to the home stretch! The semester is winding down and projects are wrapping up. Finals and graduation ceremonies are right around the corner. Some of you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. For others the goal may seem far away. Some are feeling accomplished. Others are feeling stretched and overwhelmed. How do you stayContinue reading “Top Ten Ways to Motivate Yourself”

Motivational Monday

Yesterday evening, I overheard a student proclaim she needed to write a three page paper on motivation that was due today. I told her \”procrastination is a motivator in and of itself\”(this doesn\’t mean I think anyone should procrastinate in order to motivate themselves to do school work); this got me to thinking, what trulyContinue reading “Motivational Monday”

Dick Smith Library Can Help You Get What You Need

In addition to the useful library resources and services described in yesterday\’s post, the library strives to help you get what you need when you need it: Online library catalog so you can locate items (print and electronic) in our collections. Databases so you can locate articles, films, reports, books, and more. Use your NTNET login to access databasesContinue reading “Dick Smith Library Can Help You Get What You Need”

Library Services Designed with Online and Satellite Campuses in Mind: Check \’em Out

Are you a student or faculty member attending or teaching courses that are all online or at a satellite campus? If so, we want you to know about all these library services and resources, which are tailored to meet your information needs: Register with the library as a Distance Learner.~ Depending on your location, youContinue reading “Library Services Designed with Online and Satellite Campuses in Mind: Check \’em Out”

Academic Integrity Brown Bag

Join the Discussion! What is Academic Integrity? Why it Matters Is Academic Dishonesty a Big Deal? Causes & Consequences Ways to Avoid Missteps Where is Help Available? Thurs., Oct. 1412:10-12:50Library MultiPurpose RoomSponsored byOffice of Judicial Affairs (254-968-9576)Division of Student Life

Top 10 Tuesday: Tips for E-Research

Research can be pretty daunting — so many possible starting places, so little time. Online resources can help us locate useful, quality information, as well as meet deadlines if used systematically. The following list presents one possible strategy: begin with general resources and progress to more specialized resources. 10. Start with Wikipedia for topic overviews.WhileContinue reading “Top 10 Tuesday: Tips for E-Research”

Writing a Paper? Try These 7 Research Tips

This article by Lynn Jacobs and Jeremy Hyman in U.S. News & World Report offers practical tips for successfully starting, planning, and finishing papers. The following list gives article excerpts and along with links to Tarleton Libraries\’ resources and services to help you apply the research tips. Enjoy! Start from where you are. Pick aContinue reading “Writing a Paper? Try These 7 Research Tips”

Video Lectures from Top Colleges

As final exams hurry toward us, everyone is going to be busy reviewing the semester\’s work, looking over their class notes, locating study partners, participating in help/review sessions, and trying to remember it all. To help prepare for finals, you can also listen to lecture notes from other universities.Guy McDowell at MakeUseOf lists 5 GreatContinue reading “Video Lectures from Top Colleges”

15 Essential Web Tools for Students

A recent Mashable post by Josh Catone offers a guide to 15 Essential Web Tools for Students, plus links to the tools and tips for using them. With all the tasks everyone manages every day, these tools are very handy. Stay Organized: web applications to help you get and stay organized. Evernote — note takingContinue reading “15 Essential Web Tools for Students”

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