Fiber Arts Club

If you enjoy doing any sort of fiber arts, the Fiber Arts Club is an excellent group to join. It meets from 6pm to 8pm on the first and third Thursday of each month – the first Thursday is at the Stephenville Public Library, and the third Thursday is at the Dick Smith Library (Multi-Purpose Room).

The group doesn’t currently have any designated teachers, although members can and do help each other out when possible, so feel free to attend even if you’re a relative beginner in your chosen craft. Several of the regular attendees crochet, although there have been some who knit, embroider, braid friendship bracelets, and more! You can see a few of the projects attendees at the most recent Dick Smith Library meeting worked on below.

Have questions? Want to keep in touch with other attendees? Visit the Fiber Arts Group Facebook page, which is monitored by several active members.

Three Fiber Arts Club attendees showing off their work, which includes crochet projects and embroidery.

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