Top Ten Tuesday – Last Minute Summer Activities

photo from Pixabay / CC0 1.0
Summer is coming to a close and it is time to gear up for school. If you are like me, you might be wondering where the summer went. You might also be trying to think of ways to enjoy the end of summer. 

Thanks to a post by Gina Alyse, here are some Last-Minute Bucket List ideas for summer.
  • Find a new workout routine.
  • Take a road trip with friends (or by yourself).
  • Make popsicles.
  • Set up an informational interview with someone in your chosen field.
  • Get ahead of your school year by developing your portfolio.
  • Get out and volunteer in your community.
  • Create a blog.
  • Spend time with your family.
  • Attend a concert.
  • Relax and read a book. You can explore our recent OverDrive blog posts if you need suggestions. 
What else would you add to your Summer Bucket List? Personally, I would add camping to mine.
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