How long will it take you to finish the books in your TBR pile?

Read It Forward has a calculator on their site that can tell you how long it will take you to finish the books in your TBR (To Be Read) pile. It\’s available here. All you need is the total number of books in your pile (or saved on your e-reader, or included in a Goodreads TBR list, or wherever else you keep lists of books you plan on reading) and the total number of books you finished last year. You don\’t have to add your age if you don\’t want to. The calculator then figures out how long it will take you to finish them all, assuming your TBR doesn\’t grow.

I added up the number of books I\’ve marked as being ones I\’d like to read, plus the number of e-books I own. According to the calculator, it would take me 6 years and 4 months to finish them all.
What about the rest of you? How many months, years, or decades (!) does the calculator think it will take you?

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