Library Database: WorldCat

Did you know that the library has access to several databases on a wide variety of topics? With so many choices, the A-Z database list may seem intimidating. 
Here\’s a quick look at one of the databases which is helpful and easy to use: WorldCat.
Let\’s start with what you can do with WorldCat (and no, it\’s not a database of cats; however, you could find an abundance of resources on cats and wild cats if you\’re curious).
WorldCat is \”the world\’s most comprehensive database of library materials\” which means you can look up any item to see libraries who possess it within their holdings. This is extremely useful for people who use TexShare as they can find a local library to check out materials from when they are not near a Tarleton library or if a Tarleton library does not have an item they are seeking.
Here\’s a look at WorldCat\’s Advanced Search. From this search page, you can look up an item by title, author, material type, ISBN, ISSN, etc. You also have other choices such as limiting the results to year, item type, language, number of libraries, and more.

Here\’s an example of a search for a book by title. The title, Zelda: a Biography, is one that we have in the Tarleton Libraries\’ holdings. 
When you select search, WorldCat will automatically select Tarleton Libraries as your default library so you should see Tarleton Libraries displayed within the availability results first.
WorldCat is a helpful tool to use especially if you know the exact item that you\’re seeking. If you are a frequent TexShare user, I believe that you should become familiar with this database as it could save you a trip or help you locate an item faster.

If you have any questions about WorldCat or how to use it, contact the Reference Department: 
(254)968-9249 or

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