Top Ten Tuesday: My Top 10 from NPR\’s Top 100 Science-Fiction/Fantasy Books List

NPR\’s list of the top 100 science-fiction and fantasy books is up, and here are my top 10 from that list. I\’ve linked to the ones the library owns, so you can see if they\’re currently available for check out.

  1. The Sandman series by Neil Gaiman
  2. Dragonflight by Anne McCaffrey
  3. Ender\’s Game by Orson Scott Card
  4. American Gods by Neil Gaiman
  5. Going Postal by Terry Pratchett (we only have this as an audiobook, but at least Stephen Briggs is a fantastic reader)
  6. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
  7. I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
  8. Assassin\’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb (the only book in the Farseer Trilogy I\’ve read)
  9. The Time Traveler\’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (available both in print and audio formats!)
  10. Sunshine by Robin McKinley

There were quite a few books on the top 100 list I haven\’t read yet, although I have a feeling that, even if I had read them all, Gaiman still would have nabbed several spots on my top 10 list. He\’s one of my favorite authors.

So, which books would you have chosen?

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