Top 10 Cover Letter Tips

If you\’re out there looking for a job, chances are you are being asked to provide a resume and cover letter. Here are 10 tips to help you with your cover letter.

1. Check grammar/spelling errors Speaking from personal experience, spelling errors are one of the first things that will get an applicant sent to the \”no hire\” pile.

2. To whom it may concern – Avoid this introduction in your cover letter. Take the time to address your cover letter to the hiring manager.

3. Mr. or Mrs. Trying to guess if Ashley Smith is a Mr. or Mrs. may offend your potential employer, especially if you get it wrong. Just go with (First Name Last Name).

4. What you can do for me Your resume should convey how your experience can benefit the employer. This is your first chance to prove how you can be a valuable asset to the organization.

5. Copy resume – Remember the cover letter is a compilment to your resume not a reproduction of it.

6. Ending Keep the power in your hands, let the employer know in your cover letter that you will contact them.

7. Keep it to 1 page – Make your points and stay concise, bullets work nicely.

8. Referral – Give credit where credit is due.

9. Power Verbs – Use powerful words to highlight your skills and be specific to the position.

10. Always include a cover letter with your resume – Again, from personal experience… applicants that don\’t include a cover letter rarely make it to the interview stage.

Good Luck!

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