Top Ten Tuesday – Summer Foods

What a great time of year. Hot days and warm nights with daylight until 9pm! Summers always include lots of family get-to-gathers, with great food and traditions. It\’s time to get the grill out! Here is a list of favorite Summer Foods. Do you have a favorite? Post a comment and share.

  1. Anything on the grill – burgers, hotdogs, steaks. They just can\’t be beat.
  2. Apple Pie – Nothing says America better.
  3. Watermelon – ice cold with just a dash of salt…yum
  4. Tomatoes – either homegrown, or the ones on the vine.
  5. Ice-cream – Homemade Vanilla, a family tradition that cannot be beat.
  6. Summer Squash – Yellow squash and zucchini- I hope the gardens come in soon.
  7. Strawberry Shortcake – Its almost healthy…
  8. Peaches – Texas peaches are the best
  9. Avocados – buttery goodness
  10. Grilled Chicken, ribs, etc. – I know it\’s also number one – but anything on a grill is worth mentioning twice!

I hope you have good times this summer! Enjoy.

Published by Tracy

Stephenville, TX

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